Thursday 10 February 2011

#14: raphaella makes a maxi skirt PLUS fabric printing!

although i'm usually in the ultimate comfy item - leggings - i do love a maxi skirt every now and then!

i'd been wanting to make one for ages in a lighter fabric but couldn't find one i liked anywhere...and then it dawned on me - just print your own!

two guides!

first - the maxi skirt, and second - easy peasy fabric printing!

the maxi skirt - takes less than an hour and only 3 steps!:

fabric printing - learn how to make your own material for a truely unique item!:

here are some terrible pictures of me in my hand-printed maxi!

i bought a patch of "astronomy" themed fabric online and loved this sun, so i traced around it and made it into a voila!

and there you have it - an easy peasy truely unique item!

roll on springtime...

happy making!

raphaella makes what

1 comment:

  1. hey i love your blog and everything about it! why you don't post a blog again? i love stitching too..
    love from Indonesia x
